Functional Programming Refreseher
- Understand Functional Programming, train my brain to think functional but only when it is needed.
- Use scala natively with Spark. Possibly expose reusable capabilities to be used with my stack
- Make a proper Azure CosmosDb example with spark
Functional Programming Principles using Scala
- Subtyping And Generics [x]
- Variance [x]
- Decomposition [x]
- Pattern Matching [x]
- Lists [x]
- More Functions on List [x]
- Pairs and Tuples [x]
- Implicit Parameters [x]
- Higher-Order List Functions [x]
- Reduction of Lists [x]
- Other Collections [x]
- Combinatorial Search [x]
- Combinatorial Search Example [x]
Might need some time to understand foldLeft and foldRight deeply